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Forget Lazy Illness and Diseases in Winter, Try Out This

Forget Lazy Illness and Diseases in Winter.

On the illness of your resistance relies upon the work of all body parts and systems.

When a person becomes ill, after being undernourished, regularly is subject to pressure or living in negative conditions, the safety function of our bodies reduces.

To recover the power of our bodies takes a long time. Therefore, if you want to improve the defense mechanisms as soon as possible, try this simple way! Maybe it is not the most enjoyable, but undoubtedly effective!

Forget Lazy Illness and Diseases in Winter

How is it done:

1. Add into a dish cool standard water and add ice.
2. Water should be adequate so as to reach the feet.
3. Put both your feet in a dish for 10-15 a few moments.
4. If you think even those 10 a few moments seem like an everlasting, turn aside your mind as you watch TV or pay attention to your favorite music
5. After Just a few a few moments, dry your feet and put warm wool footwear and go to bed.
6. Once you feel that you are heated, eliminate footwear.

Cold foot bath is suggested by Sergei Bubnovski, physio. To enhance the defense mechanisms by this method is adequate to do it again every day at night. During a cool or the flu can make these baths every 4hours. Do not think that your problem will intensify, on the other hand, the defense mechanisms responds highly to such pressure and will be able to quickly deal with the disease.

Source: Newscdn


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